Friday, March 17, 2006

Follow-up on Epstein and Google

A suit against Google was dismissed by a Philadelphia judge. The judge didn't discuss fair use doctrine--which is one of Google's two main legal claims supporting their project--at all.

Epstein's prediction was that east-coast courts would be unfavorable to the Google Library project because that area is the seat of the publishing industry. Though Epstein specifically mentioned the suit in the Southern District of New York, my guess is that he'd classify Philly as east coast. Maybe Google will have an easier time that Epstein thought.

See the article on WSJ here.

1 comment:

brey said...

Terima kasih sudah mengizinkan saya untuk berkomentar disini, artikel anda sangat bagus sekali. izinkan kami untuk menshare nya ke web kami di OBAT pembesar penis
atas izinnya kami haturkan terima kasi, semoga situs anda dan kami semakin maju dan berada di peringkat pertama google.